Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Naturally Grown Shea Butter Lotion

There is a product that is edible and is highly recommended for softening skin. Shea butter lotion is known for many positive affects it has on the skin and many people swear by it. However many may not know that this product is eatable as well. This lotion is created from the fats taken from the naturally grown Shea tree. This product is known to help heal and soothe many skin conditions. It has also been used in conditioners and even used for sinus relief.

Taking a closer look at this product will help consumers understand where the product came from and how it is used all over the world. The Shea butter is removed from the pulp that surrounds the seed that is enriched with oils. The pulp is thin and tangy however it has great nutritional value. It is easy to see why this product could be eatable. For those who have ever wondered what the chocolate manufacturers use if they are out of cocoa butter here is the answer it is Shea butter.

After harvesting there is a process that the product goes through before it becomes Shea butter lotion. Some of those steps include the Shea nut being shelled and then the roasting of the seed and the pressing of the seed to remove the Shea butter oils. Thee trees grow mostly in Africa. The fact that this is a natural product can relieve consumer's minds that it is used for both eatable purposes and skin care purposes.

Because this product is also an anti inflammatory it helps heal certain skin conditions such as and not limited to acne, blemishes, stretch marks and wrinkles. The reason the Shea butter lotion works is because it softens the skin and moisturizes it so it can heal. Dryness and irritations can cause wrinkle so with the use of this lotion it can help heal that skin to fight the wrinkles. Many consumers rave about the positive effects it has on stretch marks and scars. The softening of the skin really helps to keep it moisturize to allow it to heal without further damage or dryness.

Having all the information about this product may still have some people scratching their heads. How can something that works so good to heal the skin even begin to have a good taste in chocolate? Because the Shea butter is grown naturally and processed accordingly for each product it is produced in it is safe in the foods it is in and it is effective in the healing of the skin. Natural products are the safest for consumption as well as in products for the body.

Whether it is chapped lips, burns or rashes this lotion may be what consumers have been looking for to heal and soften skin. Also, the use of this product on the skin will again help prevent wrinkles. Even if there are no skin irritations it may still be a good idea to moisturize the skin with Shea butter lotion that has been naturally grown from the Shea tree.

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